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Monday, November 30, 2009

Custom Hand Made Electric Guitar


I do genuinely enjoy seeing homemade self-designed guitars, even if perhaps such designs are not always practical or in some cases poorly executed.

This particular one-off guitar seems to be competently built and has a completely original body design, but I don't think this is one for playing sitting down. I think the maker was aiming to create something in the B.C. Rich mold. I do worry about the neck joint here though. It doesn't exactly have a neck pocket as such; it's more of a "neck ledge" which isn't going to allow for a snug fit and there may well be neck movement because of this.

I appreciate that the maker/seller may have put in a lot of hard work into this instrument but I do think that his starting bid of £499 is somewhat optimistic for a homemade instrument. I think the logic being used here is that because it is a one-off it is rare and because it is rare it must be worth a lot of money. Sorry, but it doesn't quite work like that.

However, he does generously allow that, "The rights to the guitars unique design will be yours once purchased." (sic)

Anyone fancy mass-producing this design? Here's your chance!

G L Wilson

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Luis de Narvaez

Luis de Narváez adalah Komposer Spanyol yang lahir di Granada sekitar tahun 1500 dan wafat sekitar tahun 1555-1560. Ia adalah seorang komponis untuk vokal dan khusus untuk musik Vihuela. Namanya pertama kali tampil sebagai anggota sekretaris Carlos I. Karyanya "seys Los Libros del Delphin de música de cifra para tañer vihuela" dipublikasi pertama kali tahun 1538. Koleksi musiknya berisi : Fantasia, Ramance, Diferencias (Variasi). Karya-karya yang sering dimainkan hingga saat ini antara lain : Guárdame sobre las Diferencias vacas (Guardame de las Vacas), Cancion del Imperador, Fantasia Del Quarto Tono dll. Sebenarnya musik Vihuela ini sempat hilang dan kurang berkembang, tetapi berkat jasa gitaris seperti Emilio Pujol melakukan transcript ke Gitar, sehingga masih bisa dimainkan sampai saat ini.

Download Partitur :
Cancion Del Emperador - Narvaez
Guardame Las Vacas - Narvaez
Guardame Las Vacas - Narvaez Arr. delcamp
Baxa de contrapunto - Narvaez Arr. Delcamp

Luis de Milan

Luis Milan dilahir di Valencia(Spanyol) sekitar tahun 1500 & Wafat sekitar tahun 1561. Ia menjadi terkenal dan penyair pemusik istana pada waktu itu. Pada waktu itu ia telah berhasil membuat karya musik Vihuela (nenek moyang gitar) dan menjadi populer pada masa itu.

Pada 1536, ia menerbitkan karyanya paling penting, "Libro de musica de vihuela de mano intitulado El Maestro" El Maestro berisi : 40 Fantasia, 4 Prelude, 6 Pavana, 6 Lagu Natal, 4 Romance & 6 Sonata.

Download Partitur :
Pavana 1 - Luis Milan
Pavana 2 - Luis Milan
Pavana 3 - Luis Milan
Pavana 4 - Luis Milan
Pavana 5 - Luis Milan
Pavana 6 - Luis Milan
Six Pavanas - Luis Milan
Two Pavanas - Luis Milan
Two Fantasias - Luis Milan
El Maestro - Luis Milan

Komposer Besar di Zaman Renaissance

Era Renaissance ini berkhisar tahun 1400-1600 Masehi. Pada masa ini Gitar sudah dikenal orang dalam bentuk aslinya (nenek moyang gitar) yaitu Vihuela yang juga memiliki 6 senar. Komposer dan Repertoire yang hidup dimasa itu antara lain :
* Luis de Milán (1536)
* Luis de Narváez (1538)
* Alonso Mudarra (1546)
* Valderrábano (1547)
* Diego Pisador (1552)
* Miguel de Fuenllana (1554)
* Estevan Daça (1576)

Kali ini saya akan mengenalkan ulang kepada pembaca blog beberapa diantara mereka dengan Karya yang mereka hasilkan serta Link Download Partitur & Videonya.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rodolfo Cucculelli 14-string guitar

Rodolfo Cucculelli 14-string

After the harpolyre, another example of guitar with so many strings that I doubt that it can played  if not like a harp - at least for the upper strings. Actually I have to admit that this Rodolfo Cucculelli 14-string guitar might reach the limits of my understanding of acoustic laws. It looks obvious though I learned to be suspicious with obvious (remember the reverse headstock controversy), but to me it is not possible fort these extra strings - having each a different scale - to be played with the frets and be in tune, am I wrong?

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Casio EG-5 cassette guitar


I'm aware of the Casio's MIDI and synth guitars, but I've never seen one of these before.

It's Casio EG-5 and is a real product of its age (the 1980s, of course) and a wonderful piece of "guitar cheese".

The insubstantial plastic body most obviously, and curiously, features an integral cassette player. Whether this is for recording the guitar as you play, or for playing your own backing tracks (or perhaps both) is not clear.

This particular example is being sold on eBay by a French seller and looks like it isn't currently in full working order (it'd need some strings for starters).

I'm wondering if this was a Japan-only model that somehow made it out to Europe. Has anyone out there seen one of these before? Perhaps you've even owned or played one? Please let us know in the usual way in the comments beneath this post.

G L Wilson

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

1830 Harpolyre

No, Steve Vai was not the first one to show off with a triple-neck guitar - though this one is much more convincing! This early 19th century instrument was part of a creative wave for new instruments that issued the modern acoustic guitar. It seems to me that this is the ultimate form of harp guitar - an upgrade of the regular model that look so uncomfortable, and a much better solution than the modern too-many-stringed one-neck guitars... But I have to admit that I never put my hands on any of these instruments, so if anybody knows better, your comment is welcome...

More about harpolyres here.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

An unusual twist on the Strat design


As we all know, the Stratocaster is the most copied guitar ever. These days many of these plagiarists like to tweak the design to put their own spin on it, but I've never before seen anything quite as odd looking as this.

I don't know if this is a mass produced item or a one-off created by an individual (I suspect the latter), but it looks like the maker has used a Strat template for the body except for the area of the treble-side horn where they've switched the template for an upside-down Telecaster. It just looks awkward to me.

I don't think it would be worthwhile asking the seller anything about this guitar because someone already asked him if he could show a photo of the headstock and he replied he didn't know what a headstock is! But apparently, it's an Uno, not that I'm any the wiser for learning that piece of information.

On the subject of the headstock, it's partially obscured in the photo but I suspect that it may well be an uncut "paddle" shaped head as sold by various parts suppliers.

G L Wilson

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ernie Ball Earthwood Acoustic Bass


I've been waiting for one of these to come up on eBay for ages now, so that I could grab a photo and post it here on this blog. It's an Ernie Ball Earthwood Acoustic Bass and is considered by those in the know to be a truly legendary instrument.

These basses were produced between 1975 and 1985, and unlike many acoustic basses which are little more than bass versions of acoustic guitar models, the Earthwood was designed specifically as an acoustic bass.

It is a behemoth of an instrument. I don't know if you can appreciate it from the photo here, but this bass is huge. The body is nearly 7" deep. The scale length is 34" but unlike modern basses the neck joins the body at the 12th fret.

It has a phenomenal sound and is acoustically very loud. If you want to hear one of these babies, listen to the Violent Femmes whose Brian Ritchie famously plays an Earthwood.

The following clip, Country Death Song, is one of my own favourites:

G L Wilson

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Perkembangan Gitar Sesuai Zamannya

Pada kesempatan ini saya akan membahas mengenai perkembangan gitar sesuai zamannya serta contoh Video & Download Pertiturnya. Sesuai dengan pembagian eranya maka dibagi menjadi :

- Renaissance
- Baroque
- Classical
- Romantic
- Modern/Contemporer

Segera hadir di Blog ini ...


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Visionary Instruments' Video Guitar


It's probably easiest to let the video do the talking!

For more info, please see:

(Thanks Brad!)

G L Wilson

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Unusual folk instrument from Cassandra Elk


Here's an unusual-looking acoustic instrument from Germany's Cassandra Elk brand. Seeing as it has eight strings arranged in four courses, my guess is that it's a mandola or bazouki-type instrument.

It's an interesting design and one that immediately made me think of Bertram's "neckless guitar" concept. I wish there there was a photo of the rear of this instrument so we could see how the neck is formed; is it a distinct piece or is it integral to the body?

The eBay listing is in German so we may have to ask Bertam for a translation, I think.

G L Wilson

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (lahir di Salzburg, 27 Januari 1756 – meninggal di Wina, Austria, 5 Desember 1791 pada umur 35 tahun) adalah seorang komponis. Ia dianggap sebagai salah satu dari komponis musik klasik Eropa yang terpenting dan paling terkenal dalam sejarah. Karya-karyanya (sekitar 700 lagu) termasuk gubahan-gubahan yang secara luas diakui sebagai puncak karya musik simfoni, musik kamar, musik piano, musik opera, dan musik paduan suara. Contoh karyanya adalah opera Don Giovanni dan Die Zauberflöte. Banyak dari karya Mozart dianggap sebagai repertoar standar konser klasik dan diakui sebagai mahakarya musik zaman klasik. Karya-karyanya diurutkan dalam katalog Köchel-Verzeichnis.

Karya-karya Mozart antara lain adalah :
- Simfoni-simfoni K.16, K.19 K.37, K.39, K.40, K.41, dll
- 5 Violin Concerto
- Piano Concerto
- Violin Sonata K.304 Violin Sonata in E Minor, K. 299
- Concerto for Flute and Harp in C Major, dan K.310, Sonata in A Minor dll

Pada Guitar juga banyak ditranscript oleh Gitaris antara lain : Magic Flute, Turkish March (Rondo Alla Turca), Sonata dll.

Download Partitur Rondo Alla Turka (Turkish March) :
Rondo Alla Turka
Rondo Alla Turka

Menuet Mozart - Segovia

Ludwig Van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven (dibaptis 17 Desember 1770 di Bonn, wafat 26 Maret 1827 di Wina) adalah seorang komponis musik klasik dari Jerman. Karyanya yang terkenal adalah simfoni kelima dan kesembilan, dan juga lagu piano Für Elise. Ia dipandang sebagai salah satu komponis yang terbesar dan merupakan tokoh penting dalam masa peralihan antara Zaman Klasik dan Zaman Romantik. Semasa muda, ia adalah pianis yang berbakat, populer di antara orang-orang penting dan kaya di Wina, Austria, tempatnya tinggal. Namun, pada tahun 1801, ia mulai menjadi tuli.

Ketuliannya semakin parah dan pada 1817 ia menjadi tuli sepenuhnya. Meskipun ia tak lagi bisa bermain dalam konser, ia terus mencipta musik, dan pada masa ini mencipta sebagian karya-karyanya yang terbesar. Ia menjalani sisa hidupnya di Wina dan tak pernah menikah. Beethoven tidak hanya populer sebagai pianis virtuoso namun juga sebagai komponis. Murid-muridnya kebanyakan berasal dari keluarga aristokrat.

Karya-karya musik yang diciptkan oleh Beethoven antara lain :
- Sonata in C Minor ‘Pathetique’, Op. 13.
- Simfoni no. 1 dan 2, lima sonata piano termasuk ‘Moonlight’ sonata dan ‘Pastorale’ sonata
- Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 dan Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68

Banyak juga karya Beethoven di transcript ke dalam Solo Guitar Classic : Misal Fur ELise & Moonlight Sonata.

Download Partitur Fur Elise:
Fur Elise - Arr. Christoph Dalitz

Download Partitur Moonlight Sonata :
Moonlight Sonata Arr. ANTONIO SINOPOLI
Menuet Beethoven - Tarrega

Giannini Craviola 12-string


I must say that I've always loved the design of the Giannini Craviola guitar such as this example currently for sale on eBay. It's a non-traditional acoustic guitar design that doesn't simply borrow from the shape of certain electric guitars. I like that it looks half lute, half guitar; there's something almost baroque about it.

However, opinions about the playability of these guitars seems quite polarised in a love them or hate them scenario. These Brazilian-made guitars certainly have a bit of a cult following amongst those that love them, but you'll also find stories of unplayable guitars with warped tops and lifting bridges.

Examples produced in the 1970s and 80s were built of laminated wood - which could explain some of the above-mentioned problems - whereas more up-to-date examples are built from solid wood. If you fancy one of these guitars, here is one instance where you would almost definitely be better off buying a new or relatively new example rather than a vintage guitar.

G L Wilson

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

1966 Teisco Demian Baritone VN-4

1966 Teisco Demian Baritone

Isn't this Teisco Demian Baritone Guitar a delight for the eyes? Like many guitars of its generation - it was produced around 1966 - its origin is lost in the limbos of electric guitar history... Couldn't find any trace of a Demian brand - the name on the headstock - but saw it also labeled Silverstone or Ayar. Anyway the guitar is clearly a Teisco, the pioneering Japanese guitar company that started the endless love/hate relation between guitar makers of East and West.

I like the 4 pickups - I never played a 4-pickup guitar, but it allows plenty of knobs and switches - and all the chrome in front. The sound is supposed to be quite harsh - the magnets of the pickups are so strong that they attract all the metal around - and it suits to the brute in me... I have my share of great guitars, but I still miss a rough one with a harsh garage sound - I hate versatility in guitars!

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Orfeus Hebros Bass from Bulgaria

I couldn't say what she'd be like as a player, but visually this Soviet-era Bulgarian-made Orfeus Hebros Bass is a beauty. Can you believe that they referred to this finish as "sunburst"? (Surely not, I think the seller must be mistaken). To me, it looks art deco.

As with many basses of similar provenance, it's short-scale and has a very narrow neck. This example has a fair amount of wear and tear which would imply that it's seen some use over the years. Either that or someone's been knocking it around a bit.

G L Wilson

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Johan Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach,lahir di Eisenach, Jerman, 21 Maret 1685 – meninggal 28 Juli 1750 pada umur 65 tahun adalah seorang komponis Jerman. Ia menggubah musik untuk alat musik organ, harpsichord dan clavichord, dan juga untuk orkestra. Karyanya yang paling terkenal adalah Brandenburg concerto. Para musikolog membagi seluruh komposisi Bach dalam lima masa, masing-masing komposisi memperlihatkan perbedaan gaya yang cukup spesifik jika saling dibandingkan tahun pembuatannya. Yang membuat gaya lagu Bach berbeda dari yang lain adalah bahwa semua lagu yang dibuatnya baik lagu Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring atau lagu yang kebanyakan dibuatnya ditujukan untuk Tuhan.

Karya Bach banyak ditranscript untuk Solo Guitar :
- Suite Lute, Cello & Violin yang terkenal al :
Air on a G String, Minuet, Bourree, Double, Prelude dll
- Chaconne yang diajar Segovia dalam master class guitar dll

Ini beberapa karya Bach yang dimainkan Solo Guitar :

Partitur Download Gavotte :
Gavotte en Rondeau
Partitur Download Sarabanda (Suite No 1 Lute for Guitar) :
Suite No 1 Lute for Guitar
Suite No 1 Lute for Guitar

Partitur Download Suite 4 Lute for Guitar :
Suite 4 Lute for Guitar
Suite 4 Lute for Guitar
(Gavotte juga ada di dalamnya)

Partitur Download Minuet in G :
Air a G String

Partitur Download Chaconne in D Minor (Segovia):
Chaconne in D Minor

Friday, November 20, 2009

Yamaha SA-15

Yamaha SA-15

There is not so much information out there about the Yamaha SA-15 - like the SGV it was released in the late 60s but it was never reissued. I don't know it for a long time, but it was not a surprise to discover it, it's the good combination of Yamaha's long-lasting special interest for semi-hollow guitars and their great design work of this period.

Of course you cannot not notice the long lower horn - the Japanese trend that I love in Yamahas, Ibanez and Tokais of the psychedelic era, though unusual for a semi-hollow. Being quite familiar with Japanese art and design, it's the first time that I see an electric guitar that has a real Japanese feel, and is not just a copy or a variation of a Western instrument or an extravagant novelty - so I'm quite impressed.

It's a brilliant guitar, but if you google it, you will see it mostly with a sunburst finish, and there the magic is gone - like often...

[Additional: this black example sold on eBay just last week for $999 - GLWilson]

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Travis Bean TB1000 display guitar

Travis Bean guitars were first produced in 1974 and utilised an aluminium neck design, with the neck set deep into the koa body beneath the pickups and bridge with the strings passing through the aluminium centre section for increased sustain.

The design later evolved in the early Kramer line of guitars, which similarly had aluminium necks. These differed from the Travis Bean design in that each neck was essentially a T-section with two fillets of wood along its length so as to approximate the feel of a traditional wooden neck.

This particular example is a one-off Travis Bean display guitar and will surely appeal to collectors of this brand. (It's hardly going to appeal to someone wanting a working guitar!)

According to the listing this guitar was "built by Travis Bean factory to demonstrate the design and build techniques of the legendary Travis Bean Guitar. This guitar was hand carried by Travis himself to several musical instrument trade shows and was set up in the offices of the California factory. It is complete with its very own hand crafted stand and traveling box. Was purchased from famed Travis Bean employee Obie."

G L Wilson

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Megadriver's video-game inspired guitars

Megadriver are, according to their website, "a Brazilian heavy metal band devoted to videogame music, the creators of GAME METAL". We see them pictured here with a Sonic The Hedgehog guitar and another guitar made from a SEGA Genesis console. I've seen guitars built from games consoles before and can't imagine that they'd sound that good or would be very solid. However, the Sonic guitar is very cool.

Hey, I'm no fan of video or computer games, so what do I know?

(This post, by the way, is dedicated to the little underweight hedgehog I found in my garden last night and who I took to Tiggywinkles wildlife hospital today, so they could fatten him up so that he's able to survive the winter. Which is also why I'm very late blogging today.)

G L Wilson

NB: There are a lot of blogs STEALING content and bandwidth. If you read this anywhere else but on guitarz.blogspot.com then you are reading a blog that STEALS content. Please support original bloggers!

Monday, November 16, 2009

1960s Vox Harlem with factory scalloped fingerboard

This Vox Harlem is a model I've not seen before. The seller refers to it as being a "vintage Italian guitar", so that makes it one of the Eko-built Voxes. The seller also claims that the treble-side scalloping of the fingerboard is original from the factory, and has not been carried out retroactively. This is way before Yngwie Malmsteen and before even Ritchie Blackmore had scalloped fingerboards on their Strats. Could this Vox Harlem be the first electric guitar with this feature? Does anyone out there know of an earlier example?

Pre-electric guitars, it is my understanding that some baroque guitars had such scalloping, but I don't know the full history here. Again, if anyone can fill in the blanks, please leave a comment below.

G L Wilson

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Nicolo Paganini Sang Virtuoso Biola Abad 19

Nicolo Paganini adalah seorang lengenda hidup yang paling jago yang pernah ada di bumi ini. Beliau dilahirkan di Genoa 27-10-1782 - wafat di Nice 27-04-1840 (italia). Ia seorang komposer & pemain Biola & Gitar. Beliau disebut sebagai orang menguasai teknik biola yang sempurna dan tiada duanya. Paganini mungkin orang pertama yang melakukan konser solo dan membuatnya mejadi kaya & terkenal. Ada mitos bahwa ia telah menjual dirinya pada setan untuk memperoleh teknik biola yang mahadasyat itu. Paganini cukup banyak meninggalkan hasil karyanya untuk dapat kita nikmati sekarang ini antara lain :

- 24 caprice untuk biola. Salah satunya adalah Caprice No 24 yang telah ditranscript banyak gitaris dalam gitar.

- Grand Sonata untuk biola & gitar
- 12 kuartet untuk Biola, Celo, Gitar & Viola

Kesempatan ini saya sajikan GRAND SONATA untuk anda semua:
1. Allegro Risoluto
2. Romanza
3. Andantino Variato

Sekitar tahun 1982 saya pertama kali mendengar melalui kaset yang mainkan oleh John William dalam Thema "Price of Guitar" & Sekarang kita semua bisa melihat & memainkannya.

Partitur Download :
Romanza - Arr. Ericksson
Romanza - Arr. Thomas Koenigs
Andantino Variato
Grand Sonata - Allegro Risuluto,Romanza & Andantino Variato - Arr. Delcamp
Grand Sonata - Arr. Jose Azpiazu

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Michael Jackson commerative guitar


The Michael Jackson money-making machine continues to roll on after his death (if anything, it's gone into overdrive) and, no doubt, will continue to do so for many years to come.

Even guitar builders are getting in on the act now it seems, witness this guitar being sold by an Italian seller on eBay.

I won't say any more - I'll just let the photograph do the talking.

G L Wilson

NB: There are a lot of blogs STEALING content and bandwidth. If you read this anywhere else but on guitarz.blogspot.com then you are reading a blog that STEALS content. Please support original bloggers!

Vintage instruments used by Irish showbands and beat groups in the 1960s


Hello there,

I just came across your blog and thought that you might like to see my site with photos of guitars and basses played by Irish bands in the '60s.


Francis Kaye
It's worth having a look through the pictures here; it's quite interesting to see the instruments used by working musicians back in the 1960s. Not everyone could afford the likes of Gibson and Fender guitars, you had to make music on what was available. I'm not saying that all these instruments were bad, but Egmond guitars - for example - do not have a reputation for being the most playable instruments ever made.

I was intrigued to see a picture of one guitarist playing a Wandre Krundaal Bikini guitar with the amp and speaker pod attached. I suppose someone had to play them, I've never seen any photographic evidence before!

If you want to search the archives further, there's a lot more on this website than just the guitars: irishshowbands.net

G L Wilson

NB: There are a lot of blogs STEALING content and bandwidth. If you read this anywhere else but on guitarz.blogspot.com then you are reading a blog that STEALS content. Please support original bloggers!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hand-made guitar, influenced by Les Paul


The auction for this homemade electric guitar is finishing on eBay very soon. I love stuff like this; it's a case of a guy wants an electric guitar so badly but the only way he's going to get one is to build it himself. Luckily he gets some sound advice from a legend!

I'm going to unshamedly copy from the text of the auction itself, as it's quite a long story:
My grandfather served in the Korean war and was entertained by Les Paul’s band during his service, upon returning home from the Korean war he was very excited to learn to play electric guitar.

Being from an area of little means (a poor coal mining region) he decided to manufacture his own, there was a walnut tree that was struck by lighting a couple years earlier and died.

He cut down that tree and from the trunk section he salvaged a decent solid piece of wood,this was the summer of 1958, at this time he was working as a coal miner an his schedule be came demanding so he had to stop working on his guitar project,he spent many evenings studying guitar design and planed to make a conventional two piece guitar being neck and body separate pieces.

Sundays were his only day off from work and he spent afternoons at his church practicing his playing with the church orchestra, that spring at the Tula county fair, grand father learned that Les Paul was going to play three evenings he went each night bringing the walnut hopeing to show Les this wood and get advise about his guitars construction.

On the third performance grand father saw Les and his band loading their equipment on to a bus, he approched Les upon introduction grand father say's Les remebered him from the servicemans used to help for his shows in Korea;

Because of his excitement and many question about the guitar, the two of them; grand father and Les examined the walnut and Les said his guitars were two piece because the neck is made from expensive maple and to keep costs down he used adler for the body,but he suggested since the walnut was large enough why not try to build a solid one piece guitar and he gave grand father an address to write him and send a photo when it was completed.

By june 1959 grand father completed the shape of the body, sort of stratocaster style with a thick neck, he felt a thick neck for strength and his large hands would be best.

At that same time a neighbour’s home caught fire and burned, this neighbour played guitar an as it happened his Silvertone acoustic guitar’s body was destroyed, my grand father asked for it's remains and he salvaged the finger board nut and tuning keys.

Grand father wanted to customize the fingerboard so he cut chrome pieces from the bumper of an old car shaped them and inlayed the chrome into the finger board, also from the burned home he took from a dining table a piece of formica, a faux pearl table’s top surface and applied it to the headstock surface.

At this point he bought a used tail piece, a bridge and strings and he was playing his new guitar he recalls his total cash investment was under four dollars, he was very happy and after a few adjustments everyone agreeded that the guitar played very well.

Grandfrather Oven had some pictures taken and he mailed the pictures to the address Les paul had given him, along with the pictures he sent a letter asking for help with how he was going to install some pickups, to grandfathers amazement Les paul sent him two single coil pickups that he had wound by hand while developing a design in 1952 along with a diagram and two pots for volume and tone, Les asked for him to route two pockets to set the pickups into, grandfather was afraid the pockets may weaken the body causeing it to crack, so he screwed the pick ups to the top of the body as well as the pots with wires external as well.grandpa Oren played his guitar at church for fifteen year he studied jazz and played at the same fair where he recieved help from Les Paul many years earlier.

My grand father retired in 1965 and moved to New Orleans Louisana so he could play jazz and learn more about the music he loved, this was the only guitar he ever owned,he joined a band called the Bluzers and played at many night clubs in the french quarter, a down town section filled with blues and jazz clubs.

In 1979 grand father passed away, his grand son my twin brother Gene Du Buque wanted to learn to play and so he inherited the guitar, my brother learned to play on this instrument,he liked the sound but felt the guitar was ugly.

He removed the pick ups and disguarded the guitar. Gene put the pick ups in a fender telecaster and later sold the telecaster,I kept the guitar, over the year i often thought it would be wonderful if some one might appreciate it as my grand father did, so Denis may it bring you happyness.

This guitar sustains longer than any guitar i've ever seen I attribute this to it's one piece construction;


Lyle Du Buque
(sic, throughout)

I think that's a great story. It's nice to know that the guy used the guitar throughout his musical career. I bet it had that certain mojo. Great also that the grandson learnt to play on the same guitar. I think, however, that it is such a pity that the guitar is not now destined to stay in the family.

G L Wilson

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Sevilla for Guitar

Komposisi ini ditulis Oleh Issac Albeniz untuk PIANO, dan di sajikan juga untuk Solo Guitar Classic. Performance oleh : Angel Romero. Bagaimana mana pendapat anda mengenai teknik permainan Romero?

Free Download Partitur :
Sevilla -Ar.. Thomas Koenigs
Sevilla - Arr. Delcamp

Serenata Espanola for Guitar

Komposisi ini di tulis oleh Joaquin Malats untuk PIANO, Tetapi berkat jasa Fransisco Tarrega Komposisi ini di Transcript Menjadi Solo Guitar Classic yang luar biasa. Jika anda menyukai Komposisi ini, Download Videonya & Partiturnya. Kesempatan ini saya sajikan Performance oleh Julian Bream. Berikan komentar anda agar menjadi referensi untuk kita semua penggemar GITAR KLASIK.

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Serenata Espanola
Serenata Espanola
Serenata Espanola

Ergonomic Guitar Iberica 1C

Ergonomic Guitar Iberica 1C

It's not necessary to say much, the picture of this Ergonomic Guitar Iberica 1C tells the obvious: you take the most regular classical guitar and bevel it a little bit where it's necessary and you have a much more conformable instrument.

Not only electric guitars deserve ergonomics improvement, and the traditional form is not obligatorily the better one!

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Friday, November 13, 2009

1975 Gibson S-1

Gibson Les Paul S1Didn't think I'd ever be surprised by a Gibson Les Paul - until I discovered the S-1!
Love the Flying V headstock, and the pickguard shape simulating a SG on top of the Les Paul body is brilliant... Together with the Marauder, it was an attempt of Gibson to attack the Fender niche with its 3 single coil pickups on a flat-top. Didn't work though, and the 2 models were discontinued in 1980... I won't tell much more, these guitars have their pages on Wikipedia if you want extra information!

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Egypt Karnak Luxor from 1986


This guitar does have a very 80s vibe to it - perhaps it's the metallic lilac finish. It wouldn't have looked out of place in any of the hair metal bands of that era. Oddly, it doesn't have a locking trem - just a regular one, but if you're like me that will be something in the guitar's favour.

Egypt Guitars were built in Glasgow, Scotland, and the business is still going although these days mainly functions as a guitar repair shop. If you check theie website you'll see an Egypt Pharoah Isis from 1985 that shares the same body shape as the guitar pictured above, only in mirror image. (Hey, Gibson don't hold the monopoly on "reverse" body styles).

Anyway, the auction for the Karnak Luxor is finishing in a little over 4 hours as I type this, so why not bid? You could snap up what looks like a very nice guitar (although possibly playing in a 80s cover band might be a pre-requisite!).

Additional: It didn't sell and has been re-listed here.

G L Wilson

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can anybody identify this guitar?

I found this guitar on a German-Swiss site and it might be called a Dulci but I can't find anything more about it... I'm not even sure if it's really a guitar - is it a travel acoustic one, a 6-string ergonomic ukulele or some hybrid I've never heard of until now?

So just for the sake of my curiosity, I call for the expertise of the innumerable guitar lovers who read this blog...

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double-neck 12/8 Shergold Modulator

double-neck shergold modulator

This is the double-neck Shergold Modulator inspired by Mike Rutherford's custom model. Of course it doesn't have its characteristic splitting/recombining system (if I understand well, Rutherford claimed Shergold's exclusivity for this innovation, and I don't think that there's been any other builder that made a similar guitar) but it has the typical 12-string guitar neck on top and an quite unusual 8-string bass neck (Rutherford has been Genesis's bassist and rhythm guitarist behind Anthony Phillips then Steve Hackett before becoming the front guitarist, that had him develop a special style requiring a special instrument), plus the Modulator long upper horn that makes it look much better than the single neck (what a long sentence, and all these brackets!) .

If you want to know more about Shergold guitars, you can have a look at the most exhaustive website about them or wait a few weeks to read GL Wilson 's '500 guitars' book!

: There are a lot of blogs STEALING content and bandwidth. If you read this anywhere else but on guitarz.blogspot.com then you are reading a blog that STEALS content. Please support original bloggers!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Danza Espanola No 5

Komposisi ini di Tulis oleh : Enrique Granados untuk PIANO, Berkat Jasa Miguel Llobet (murid Fransisco Tarrega) di Transcript menjadi Solo Guitar Classic. Beri pendapat dan komenter mengenai Teknik Pemainan & Komposisi ini untuk mengembangan kita sebagai Penggemar Gitar Klasik.

Free Download Partitur :
Danza Espanola 5 - Arr. Miguel llobet
Danza Espanola

70s Shergold Modulator 3


This is a Shergold Modulator 3 - that I first noticed because of its square knob plate, the kind of things that I love in a guitar (the general shape is not so exciting)!

Then I deepened a little bit the subject and I discovered that the square knob plate actually allows to interchange the electronics of the Modulator series - there are 6 versions -, and that Shergold was a kind of spin-off of Burns - actually a company that provided woodwork to Burns and Hayman and other British brands before making their own guitars in 1975, first from left over material.

Shergold's guitars and basses have been used by Joy Division / New Order musicians, and Genesis's Mike Rutherford played a famous double neck 4/12 custom guitar that could be reassembled in different combinations of basses and guitars... - I'll come back on Shergold double-necks in a following post.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Pointless triple-neck


Uh-oh! You know you're in for trouble when you see a Tennessee-brand guitar. They are often very wacky instruments, but don't be fooled as the workmanship is shoddy and the instruments themselves are reported to be virtually unplayable.

But let's put aside the provenance for this discussion. Just look at this thing: it's a triple-neck comprising 8-string bass, 10-string bass, and 6-string lap steel.

Just WHY?

Why would anyone need that combination of necks on a single instrument? To start with, how many bass players double on "lap steel"? Not that this could ever be a real lap steel. Is the player supposed to un-strap it mid-song, sit down and lay the instrument on his lap for a lap steel solo?

Perhaps the "lap steel" neck was added because it was lying around at the factory at the time this ridiculous instrument was assembled.

Let's forget the lap steel neck. What about the two bass necks? Why would any bassist ever need a 8-string and a 10-string on one instrument? (That is to say, a 4-string and a 5-string with doubled courses, rather than 8 and 10 individual non-paired strings). Surely if you needed to play a song that required both 8-string and 10-string bass, all you'd need would be the 10-string neck and you could ignore the low B course in the sections that "require" the 8-string. In the same way, I can't see why anyone would ever need a 4-string and 5-string bass combination on the same instrument. I could understand a 4-string and 8-string, or a fretted and fretless, but this instrument shown above offers nothing of advantageous use.

It's utter nonsense, and as I've commented on previous occasions, Tennessee guitars seem to be put together by people who know nothing about guitars.

G L Wilson

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Franquin's Gaffophone

OK, GL Wilson stunned me with his Omstrument and there would be no possible answer to this extreme instrument if genius Belgian comics artist Franquin didn't invent the infamous Gaffophone.

Franquin's prominent character Gaston Lagaffe (seen here playing the Gaffophone) is not well known by English-speaking audience since these comics were never translated in English, but he and his monstrous instrument are famous in French- and Spanish-speaking countries, also in Scandinavia...

The Gaffophone is supposed to have an horrible and destructive sound (Gaston being himself a terrible musician, also playing sousaphone), being thus a frequent reference and joke amongst continental European guitar and brass players.

Some Gaffophones have been built for real, but of course could not match its supposed terrific sound.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

"Carol Brown" - Flight Of The Conchords


This week I've been listening to "I Told You I Was Freaky", the new Flight Of The Conchords album featuring songs from Season 2 of their TV series. I wanted to include the above clip on this blog because I just love those guitars they are playing. Yes, I know they are just props. Basically, Jemaine's guitar is a video editing console with a guitar neck attached to it, and Bret has a similarly obsolete-looking video mixer with a bass neck. Imagine if guitar synths were really as cumbersome as these! They do bring to mind the Stepp MIDI guitar.

G L Wilson
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The Omstrument


In our previous post about Uli Jon Roth's Sky Guitar, Bertram, my co-blogger here at Guitarz, made a note in the comments appealing for "Less frets, more strings!"

Is this enough strings for you, Bertram?

With a combined total of 46 strings, the Omstrument is the creation of Jack Haas and is a gestalt instrument comprising harp, guitar, longneck dulcimer, strumstick, and tanpura. And before you ask, yes, they are supposed to be played together at the same time.

Perhaps it's easier to let one of Mr Haas' videos do the talking:

Before anyone else comments, yes I am aware of Pat Metheny's 42-string Pikasso guitar created by luthier Linda Manzer. It's a crazy-looking guitar with strings all over the place, but surely more portable than the Omstrument!

G L Wilson

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Uli Jon Roth's Sky Guitar


Thanks to KC for jogging my memory. The guitar that the Gruggett Raindrop reminded me of was Uli Jon Roth's Sky Guitar, as seen pictured here.

To unashamedly quote from his Wikipedia entry:
Uli Jon Roth has (or at least has had) at least five of these "Sky" guitars. They are made by a British luthier, and also used by the guitarist from Fair Warning. The first three Sky guitars were as follows: One had 36 frets, another had 42 frets, and a third one is fretless which was used on the Beyond the Astral Skies album. In an April 2001 Guitar Player Magazine interview, Roth reports that the guitars are either fretless above the 30th fret or have whole step fret spacing above the 27th fret, with 35 effective (half step) frets. All of the Sky guitars with frets have extensive fretboard scalloping as is favored by Swedish guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen (who was influenced greatly by Roth) and many neoclassical metal guitarists. The Sky guitar's pickups are custom 4 coil humbuckers made by John Oram, with one guitar having an Oram pickup hidden under the 24th fret. The guitars named Mighty Wing and Destiny each have 7 strings and the others have 6 strings. The 7th string is a low B string. The US company 18th Street Guitars made 50 commercial versions of the Sky guitar in 2004, each reportedly selling for $18,000 USD.
G L Wilson

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Highly optimistic French eBayer


Someone has applied a very poor imitation Fender logo to this cheap and nasty vaguely-Telecaster-styled guitar from the 1970s. These appeared under various brandnames; it's probably one of Teisco's poorer efforts.

So, how much do you think the seller is asking for this dreadful example?

Would you believe €9,990.00? That's approximately £8,939.96 or US$14,754.10 which is quite frankly outrageous for this horrible plank!

I'm unsure as to whether the seller is incredibly stupid and really thinks that this is a long lost Fender prototype or whether he/she is aware that it's a pile of crap and is hoping someone out there is stupid enough to pay that kind of silly money for something that is actually hardly worth 50 quid (and that's being generous).

My French isn't very good - perhaps someone can translate the listing and what crazy claims the seller is making about this sorry guitar.

G L Wilson

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gruggett Raindrop guitar from 1966

This Gruggett Raindrop was apparently one of only six such guitars and was built in 1966 for a band called - appropriately enough - The Raindrops.

Bill Gruggett, the maker of this guitar, also built guitars for Mosrite and Hallmark Guitars back in the day, and is currently working with the re-launched Hallmark company.

The Raindrop guitar reminds me of a more modern guitar, possibly 80s-era, but I can't quite put my finger on what it might be.

I wonder what happened to the band The Raindrops too, incidentally.

G L Wilson

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Petrol tank 3-string guitar

This 3-string slide guitar has been made from an old Villiers's petrol tank, a Pearl high hat stand and cymbal stand, and some aluminium box section! I'll let the following YouTube video do the talking:

See also: three-string slide guitar made from a BSA engine casing

G L Wilson

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Billy Boy guitars

Billy Boy
When surfing the Web I like to discover small guitar companies - I actually have in mind to start a new blog about these companies, for those who are bored to death with the endless reproduction of the same Fender / Gibson 4 models... I'm too busy now for an extra blog but I'll think of it seriously for 2010...

Anyway, browsing for what's going on in  the field of Italian guitars (you remember that Italy is providing regularly amazing vintage guitars for this blog), I just discovered the Billy Boy "brand" - well I think that the company is just one guy! Billy Boy guitars don't have a proper website but get along quite well with a MySpace - if you're interested, go there and check the many pictures presenting his different models.

Billy Boy has just three guitar models, the solid body that you can see on the picture, a semi-hollow and a Jumbo model - there are also some basses. His trade mark is the cartoonish skull bridge that exists also with a trem (if you don't like it, you can also ask for another bridge). Since his production rate is not high enough to produce stock guitars, most of Billy Boy's are one-offs, not for the shape, but for the pickups and knobs combinations. The picture I chose shows guitars with two humbuckers + one central lipstick and they are already slightly different. If you check other guitars on the Billy Boy MySpace, you'll find quite radical pickup combinations that I'd be embarrassed to describe here!


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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mike Oldfield's travel guitar up for grabs


We've seen one of Mike Oldfield's guitars up for auction previously on Guitarz. On that occasion it was his ex-Marc Bolan Telecaster which was the main lead guitar used on his now legendary Tubular Bells album.

This time, it's a one-off travel guitar with integral amp and speaker which was presented to Oldfield by the German arm of his record company, Virgin. The guitar appears to be modelled along the lines of a Hofner Shorty (possibly it is a customized Hofner Shorty) and bears Oldfield's name on the pickguard and has a Tubular Bells logo on the trussrod cover.

I remember seeing Mike Oldfield demonstrate this very guitar on a Breakfast TV show back in 1983 (or thereabouts) during an item in which he was showing off part of his guitar collection. I've tried and cannot find this clip on YouTube. I believe he mentioned taking it with him on aircraft flights. I couldn't say if it was ever used on any of his records; I suspect that it was purely a practice guitar.

G L Wilson

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