This Stratocaster XII, however, is the business. The neck is actually thinner at the nut by a whole millimetre than that of an American Standard Strat. It wouldn't be to everyone's taste, but for me this means it's an ultra-playable twelver. The extra-wide necks on 12-strings was one thing that always put me off. I did consider a Rickenbacker as an alternative, by the way; I've played Ricky XIIs in the past and they play fantastically (although personally I'm not too fond of the design), but the Stratocaster XII was more suited to my budget.
If you look at Fender's website you'll see that this model is only offered in three finishes: sunburst, lake placid blue, and Burgundy Mist Metallic. However, mine, as you can see in the picture, is Candy Apple Red. A quick check of the serial number (Q + 7 digits) reveals this guitar was made by Fender Japan between 2002 and 2004, so it could be a discontinued colour or else a Fender Japan guitar not intended for export.
So... Does anyone want to buy a Danelectro doubleneck? Seriously. I'm looking for £300 GBP for it.
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