I used to play a pair of pink paisley Fenders, a Strat and a Tele, and I thought that they were - how shall we say? - rather eye-catching, but they were nothing compared to this visually loud ESP Mirage Deluxe M2 allegedly from the ESP Custom Shop in Japan and as played by Vernon Reid of Living Colour.
If you can live with the day-glo finish, underneath which lies a body of swamp ash, then it does look to be a very nicely crafted guitar, although with its EMG pickups and Floyd Rose-licensed trem it wouldn't be my first choice of guitar.
Of course, to the collector of ESP guitars (someone must collect them, surely?) this guitar would represent a must-have purchase.
G L Wilson
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I have one of these that I bought in 1991 at 47th St guitars. I am looking to sell it, but can't seem to find what the value would be. Any help please?